S5 Tab Show
Sunday February 23, 2025
HEADLINING: Where is he hiding? One suspect dead, other on the run is he ere ion
Aenean condimentum nunc eget dolor venenatis dignissim ut vel tellus. Curabitur volutpat ullamcorper vestibulum.
Fusce ac diam nisi. Nunc molestie justo et risus iaculis... Read More

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  • tab image 1

    News in Entertainment

    Pulvinar, felis et tempor sagittis, purus massa lobortis libero, sit amet mattis mauris orci vel nunc. Nulla dolor tellus, molestie sit amet tincidunt a, vulputate vel eros.

    Vestibulum mollis quam eu eros congue id facilisis mi ultricies.


  • tab image 1


    Pulvinar, felis et tempor sagittis, purus massa lobortis libero, sit amet mattis mauris orci vel nunc. Nulla dolor tellus, molestie sit amet tincidunt a, vulputate vel eros.

    Vestibulum mollis quam eu eros congue id facilisis mi ultricies.


  • tab image 1


    Pulvinar, felis et tempor sagittis, purus massa lobortis libero, sit amet mattis mauris orci vel nunc. Nulla dolor tellus, molestie sit amet tincidunt a, vulputate vel eros.

    Vestibulum mollis quam eu eros congue id facilisis mi ultricies.


  • tab image 1


    Pulvinar, felis et tempor sagittis, purus massa lobortis libero, sit amet mattis mauris orci vel nunc. Nulla dolor tellus, molestie sit amet tincidunt a, vulputate vel eros.

    Vestibulum mollis quam eu eros congue id facilisis mi ultricies.


  • tab image 1


    Pulvinar, felis et tempor sagittis, purus massa lobortis libero, sit amet mattis mauris orci vel nunc. Nulla dolor tellus, molestie sit amet tincidunt a, vulputate vel eros.

    Vestibulum mollis quam eu eros congue id facilisis mi ultricies.


S5 Tab Show

The S5 Tab Show can be demo'd at the top of this page. This version of the module is customized specifically for this template and cannot be used with any other templates. We do have another version that can be used on any Joomla template.

The module holds up to 10 actual module positions so you can publish any of your favorite modules to one of the slides and keep your site clean and consolidated while giving it some eye candy. So simply publish the s5 tab show module to your desired module position and pages. Then start publishing modules to the positions in the tab show (s5_tab1, s5_tab2, etc); these modules will become the slides.