This is a sample module to showcase the functionality of the S5 Flex Menu system. This menu system contains up to 40 module positions and you can publish any module to any of these positions under any menu item.
The Joomanger component is used to power the directory you see on the homepage, the "Latest Ad" and "Featured Ad" modules. The directory offers features including, ratings, paid ads, Google map search and unlimited searchable custom fields and much more!
How to Setup Like the Demo
First you'll need to install the Joomanager component. Then you'll need to install the modules and post the search module to the "custom_2" position. Publish the Featured Ad module to the right module position and lastly publish the Browse module to the "custom_3" position. Below are the settings for the 3 modules used from Joomanager on the homepage.
Featured Ad Module Settings
Browse Ad Module Settings
Search Module Settings
Joomanager Features Overview
Unlimited custom fields defined via Joomanager admin, you customize Joomanager to your needs
Unlimited Category Levels
Allow users to rate items and leave comments
Pay to post items
Translation via Falang (definition files included)
Compatible with Joomla 2.5/3.0 and higher
Custom user alerts on items
Google Maps
Uses a custom templating system to allow for various themes
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