This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Client Login
What our clients say:"We selected him out of all of the photographers we saw"
"Matthew was wonderful. He did the pictures for my wedding and I am very happy we selected him out of all of the photographers we saw. He has a great artistic eye. The outdoor shots were fantastic. I felt like they were came out of magazine! I got so many compliments on how great the photos look. I highly recommend for your wedding day!" - Sarah & Mike Read all Reviews
What our clients say:"We selected him out of all of the photographers we saw"
"Matthew was wonderful. He did the pictures for my wedding and I am very happy we selected him out of all of the photographers we saw. He has a great artistic eye. The outdoor shots were fantastic. I felt like they were came out of magazine! I got so many compliments on how great the photos look. I highly recommend for your wedding day!" - Jessica & Matt Read all Reviews
This plugin adds Disqus comments and links to any Joomla article or blog view, it can be demo'd at the bottom of this page. Disqus is a powerful and free comment system that will integrate into any website.
Features at a glance
Specify your Disqus shortname
Select a language
Specify which categories will use the plugin
Specify individual pages to use the plugin
Enable or disable the comments link on the category listing
Enable or disable the comments link on the full article
Enable or disable the comments link on the featured articles
The full page scroll option takes each row of Vertex and sets it to the height of your screen. With the arrow buttons of your keyboard or the vertical scrolling of your mouse the screen will jump to the next section. Each row that has modules published to it will show as the full height of your screen. To demo this check out the homepage of this demo. You can enable on the homepage only or have it show on all pages. We recommend that it shows only on the homepage.
You can place the below code on any DIV directly as a child to <div id="s5_body_padding"> and it will make it show up full screen.
The below screenshot shows the admin area under the "layout" area of Vertex. You simply start adding names for the row names and then it will be enabled. Be sure to separate them by commas. You can enable the full page scroll to just show on the homepage only.
Fullscreen scroll navigation that shows on the right hand side of yoursite:
Occasionally we need to use custom html to obtain the layouts shown on our demos in specific modules. The code below is what was used on this template. It is best to enter this code directly into the HTML editor function of your editor.
Column Menu:
This design includes an option to set the menu to a column format. If not using the menu will display like a normal horizontal menu. First you must choose your option in the "theme specific" area of Vertex. If you choose the standard layout no other configuration is needed. If you choose the column layout then you'll just need to add a menu item spacer where you desire to break the columns. See the below image on how to do this but be sure the class "spacerlink" is added.
Code used:
<span class="s5_uppercase smallfont">Hi, my name is Ali and I love Photography</span> <br /> <span class="s5_highlightfont largefont s5_uppercase"> We're a <span class="s5_highlightcolor1">photography </span> agency that believes<br />a photo can tell a <span class="s5_highlightcolor1">story</span>. </span>
Intro text:
This area is created with a custom html module published to the custom_1 position.
Code used:
<span class="s5_uppercase smallfont">Hi, my name is Ali and I love Photography</span> <br /> <span class="s5_highlightfont largefont s5_uppercase"> We're a <span class="s5_highlightcolor1">photography </span> agency that believes<br />a photo can tell a <span class="s5_highlightcolor1">story</span>. </span>
Photo Showcase Setup:
For the demo we set the module up using the "article" method. The active image width is 6, the max width 1300 and the duration 6. We then set the below settings on the article page. Please reference the admin screenshot image below. For each article we just added an intro image to the "intro image" area. This is the image that will show up in the Photo Showcase module slider you must enter a intro image for each article in order for it to show. Lastly the images we used for each intro image and that display in the Photo Showcase module are all set to the dimensions of 1303x746. You can set to the dimensions you desire but we do recommend setting keeping all the images the same height/width once you choose. If you have taller or wider images just leave white or black space around them in a photo editing program.
This is the tab show published to the custom_4 position, but can be published to almost any row positions. The below code is a sample of one of the custom HTML modules published to the 4 tab show positions:
Code used for this area:
<div class="testimonial_left"> <div class="testimonial_padding"> <span class="s5_uppercase smallfont">What our clients say:</span> <span class="s5_highlightfont largefont s5_uppercase s5_highlightline">"We selected him out of all of the photographers we sawâ </span><br /><br /> Matthew was wonderful. He did the pictures for my wedding and I am very happy We selected him out of all of the photographers we saw. He has a great artistic eye. The outdoor shots were fantastic. I felt like they were came out of magazine! I got so many compliments on how great the photos look. I highly recommend for your wedding day!â?? <br /><span class="s5_signature"> - Lauren & Matt</span> <br /> <a class="readon" href="#">Read all Reviews</a> </div> </div>
This is the Masonry module that is published to the top_row2_1 position, but can be published to almost any row of positions. The module is set to "hover" in the admin area with item widths set to 33%. For the Photoblog page we did the same thing but instead of hover we set it to "overlay" and item widths set to 100%:
Our Photographers
This is the tab show published to the custom_5 position, but can be published to almost any row positions. The below code is a sample of one of the custom HTML modules published to the 2 tab show positions:
<span class="s5_highlightcolor1 uppercase">Lead Photographer</span> <br><br> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam condimentum mi vitae dui finibus feugiat. Maecenas imperdiet luctus cursus. Cras tincidunt purus vel lectus gravida porttitor et at elit. <br><br> Donec id vulputate urna, nec sollicitudin leo. Ut eu lorem diam. Phasellus placerat, nisi fermentum sodales fringilla, ante nunc lobortis sapien, vel rhoncus metus lacus eget justo. <br><br> <a class="social_icon ion-social-facebook"><span>Facebook</span></a> <a class="social_icon ion-social-twitter"><span>Twitter</span></a>
Get in Touch with Me:
This is a custom HTML module published to the bottom_row2_1 position with the module class of "right-padding" added to it.
Code used:
Fill out the form below to send us an inquiry. For all other questions, or to reach us directly, you can email us at [email protected] or call us 800-123-4567.<br /> <br /><br /><br /> <div class="s5_boxedborder"><span class="uppercase"><strong>Phone:</strong></span><br /> 800-898-6451<br /><br /> <span class="uppercase"><strong>Address:</strong></span><br /> 45 Pineview Lane<br /> Bigtownville, Co 34332<br /><br /> <span class="uppercase"><strong>Mail:</strong></span><br /> [email protected]<br /><br /></div>
Quick Contact:
This is the quick contact module published to the bottom_row2_2 module position with the module class suffix of "top-padding" added to it.
Social Icons:
This is a custom html module that is published to the custom_3 position, but can be published to various positions.
Fill out the form below to send us an inquiry. For all other questions, or to reach us directly, you can email us at [email protected] or call us 800-123-4567.