Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
The S5 Like Me plugin when activated will show a little icon on images. A user can click the icon and like the image. Each vote will be added to the count on the icon for that specific image. Voting works off the image name, so if you use the image in other locations on your site they will all show the same amount of votes on them. You can set the plugin to show on images inside HTML elements by specifying the ID or Class in the admin of the plugin. Multiple IDs and Class names can be set by adding a comma after each name. You can also set a class to ignore certain images. In the admin area you can also specify things like opacity, hover opacity, colors, etc. Lastly each image that is liked will show in a list in the admin from most liked to least liked. You can reset the like count on each image.

Example in action, click heart to like:

like me

Example image of before and after like:

like me

Features at a Glance:

  • Set script to run on images within certain DIVs by specifying ID or Class
  • Set multiple ID or Class names for script to run in
  • Set a Class that can be added to items so script ignores them
  • Set opacity on hover and normal
  • Set color of icons on hover and normal
  • Set color of like count
  • Admin area for all images liked, can reset to 0
  • Set icon to heart or thumbs up
  • Set like count to show on top of icon or next to it
  • Voting works off IP address so a user can only vote once on an image
  • After voting, click a second time to remove your vote
  • Voting works off image name for accurate voting throughout site

Admin area Screenshot:

like me

Admin area photo like list Screenshot:

like me


The S5 Photo Showcase module is demo'd on the homepage. This module is an image display module that presents images and text in a sliding motion, while providing a sneak peek of the next and previous images. This is a great way to showcase your site's images and content. It comes with many great features that allow you to easily customize the look of the module and what content you would like to show.

The new version of this module includes the ability to pull in Joomla articles from categories you specify. Each slide will function just like a Joomla article. You can change order, display according to publish date, have unlimited number of slides, etc. The module also has the ability for the user to submit plain text and the module will stylize the content with default settings or you can enter your own custom html. The plain text option is great for users with limited css understanding and the html setting is for advanced users.

Module Features

1. Easily switch between article and html/plain text mode. The module will provide styling for plain text mode and html module allows you to enter your own custom html.
2. Content is totally option for each slide.
3. Publish an unlimited amount of pictures by using the article method. Publish up to fifteen pictures in total using the html/plain text mode.
4. Uses core Jquery calls to avoid javascript conflicts.
5. Set the width of the fluid width of the active image and the max width so that the active image will not get any larger than what is specified.
6. Set the number of seconds you would like each slide to show for.
7. Control style settings such as colors, font size, spacing, etc. for plain text mode.
8. In article mode choose to only show articles set to featured


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Fill out the form below to send us an inquiry. For all other questions, or to reach us directly, you can email us at [email protected] or call us 800-123-4567.


45 Pineview Lane
Bigtownville, Co 34332

[email protected]