This is a sample module to showcase the functionality of the S5 Flex Menu system. This menu system contains up to 40 module positions and you can publish any module to any of these positions under any menu item.
BOSTON (October 22, 2024) -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced today that it is working on a statement of criteria for free machine learning applications, which will require the software, as well as the raw training data and associated scripts, to grant users the four freedoms.
BOSTON (October 8, 2024) -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has
announced that it is taking part in the US National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST)'s consortium on the safety of
(so-called) artificial intelligence, particularly with reference to
"generative" AI systems. The FSF will ensure the free software
perspective is adequately represented in these discussions.
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Ravens Look To The Future
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Ready For London 2012
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World Cup Finals Overview
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Demo Information
All content and images shown on this site is for demo, presentation purposes only. This site is intended to exemplify a live website and does not make any claim of any kind to the validity of non-Shape5 content, images or posts published. Stock photography was purchased from for this demo only, and is not included with this template. Links will be provided for some images if you wish to purchase them from their copyright owners.
Site Shaper Available
Do you need a website up and running quickly? Then a site shaper is just what you are looking for. A Site Shaper is a quick and easy way to get your site looking just like our demo in just minutes! It includes Joomla itself, this template and any extensions that you see on this demo. It also installs the same module and article content, making an exact copy of this demo, excluding stock photography. Learn More...