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S5 Spotlight News

The S5 Spotlight News module is demonstrated on the homepage of this site and can be used on any Joomla template. There are two copies of the module one on top of the other.

Show case off your newest article or setup a nice looking news gallery for your site. Your newest article will be shown as a spotlight article with features such as showing pictures, read more link, created date and more settings to show off this particular article. Older articles will show as links below the main spotlight article.

This module comes with the following features:

  • Choose a category and section to pull content from.
  • Choose the total number of articles to be shown.
  • Choose to show or hide images for the first article.
  • Choose to show or hide the read more link for the first article.
  • Set your own read more text.
  • Set the number of characters to be shown in the titles and the body of text.
  • Configure font sizes and margins for all areas of text shown in the module, this includes titles, text bodies, read more links, dates and more.
  • Choose to enable or disable the created date
  • Display the read more link on the left or right side of the first article.
  • Create multiple copies of the module on the same page.

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Tiger Woods Is Back

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Ravens Look To The Future

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Ready For London 2012

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World Cup Finals Overview

Sapien ipsum risus urna sed id consectetuer non sed tempus mauris. Orci rutrum lac egestas venen atis Sed dolor condimentum. Enim ipsum rutu urna. Orci rutrum lac egestas loro lorem

Demo Information

All content and images shown on this site is for demo, presentation purposes only. This site is intended to exemplify a live website and does not make any claim of any kind to the validity of non-Shape5 content, images or posts published. Stock photography was purchased from shutterstock.com for this demo only, and is not included with this template. Links will be provided for some images if you wish to purchase them from their copyright owners.

Site Shaper Available

Do you need a website up and running quickly? Then a site shaper is just what you are looking for. A Site Shaper is a quick and easy way to get your site looking just like our demo in just minutes! It includes Joomla itself, this template and any extensions that you see on this demo. It also installs the same module and article content, making an exact copy of this demo, excluding stock photography. Learn More...