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Written by Super User
Category: Latest
Published: 12 May 2013
Hits: 30876
The S5 Photo Showcase module is demo'd at the top of this page. This module is an image display module that presents images and text in a sliding motion, while providing a sneak peek of the next and previous images. This is a great way to showcase your site's images and content. It comes with many great features that allow you to easily customize the look of the module and what content you would like to show.
Please note that the version shown on this page is using the html setting for text along with styling specific to this template. The module has the ability for the user to submit plain text and the module will stylize the content with default settings or you can enter your own custom html. Below is a screenshot of the plain text version, which is stylized by the module. The plain text option is great for users with limited css understanding and the html setting is for advanced users.
Here is a screenshot of the html/plain text switch mentioned above
Module Features
1. Easily switch between plain text and html mode. The module will provide styling for plain text mode and html module allows you to enter your own custom html.
2. Content is totally option for each slide.
3. Publish up to fifteen pictures in total.
4. Uses core Jquery calls to avoid javascript conflicts.
5. Set the width of the fluid width of the active image and the max width so that the active image will not get any larger than what is specified.
6. Set the number of seconds you would like each slide to show for.
7. Control style settings such as colors, font size, spacing, etc. for plain text mode.