Some Updates:
Shape 5 is proud to announce the release of the Shape 5 PhpBB3 Styles Club! Read More >
NEW S5 Flow module included with the release of Phosphorus!
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NEW S5 Flow Preset 2 Preset 3 Preset 4 Preset 5 Preset 6 Preset 7

Set your own color scheme. Unlimited Number of Possibilities.

Google Fonts

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Donec sit amet nunc est, sed dapibus orci. Vivamus congue, mi quis viverra sodales, enim nibh faucibus erat.


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Donec sit amet nunc est, sed dapibus orci. Vivamus congue, mi quis viverra sodales, enim nibh faucibus erat.

Written by Administrator   
The Phosphorus template is a very versatile template that gives a wide variety of options. We have added some options to change the color scheme of Phosphorus to any you desire! Check out the 7 presets available to get an understanding of what you can do. A modded frontpage article layout is included and for the first time we are including 3rd party styling options for VirtueMart, JComments, Tienda and K2.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In venenatis enim quis ante aliquam ornare. Phasellus sit amet enim non mauris varius blandit. Quisque a justo ac orci gravida placerat et id nisi. Integer nec ligula in ligula luctus rutrum in aliquam libero. Quisque a justo ac orci gravida placerat et id nisi. Integer nec ligula in ligula luctus rutrum in aliquam rutrum libero.

3rd Party Styling For:



“Eros magna erat ut, id libero pede in a. Quam dolor in nisl eleifend, vestibulum fring.”

- George Smith

Our Features:

S5 Multibox supports a range of multimedia formats: images, flash, video, mp3s, html!

SEO Optimized:

The majority of your most valuable content is found in the main body of your site, through css we alter the layout of the site and call the main content before the left and right columns are called.

Contact Us:

V6399 North Wells Road
Bigtownville, CO, USA 12345
Tel: 800-123-4567
@: [email protected]

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Fixed Tabs

The Phosphorus template includes a new "Fixed Tab" option. The template comes with 2 fixed tabs that you can enable and publish on your site. The great feature about the fixed tabs is that you can enter any text you desire and the text is auto flipped vertically! This is great for search engines to read your text and also saves the hassle of creating an image with vertical text and placing it on the side of your site. The tabs are published site wide and can have the following options that can be changed via the template parameters area:
  • Change background to any hex color
  • Change the border to any hex color
  • Change the font to any hex color
  • Set vertical position of each tab
  • Set each tab to either the left or right of the screen
  • Add a class to each fixed tab to enable s5 box or perhaps a lightbox or other 3rd party extension
  • Add a URL to each fixed tab so onclick the URL loads
  • Enter any text you desire (with no spaces)