The S5 Quick Contact module is a simple way for your visitors to get in contact with you, it is demo'd on the homepage of this design. Sometimes full contact pages are just too much. If you're looking for an easy way to stay in contact with your visitors this module is for you. This module has fully configurable language settings, sends emails to a specified admin account, three ways of spam protection and much more! And of course it's free!
Please note - This module uses the php mail() function. If you are not receiving emails this is a security setting on your server or a spam filter issue. Please contact your hosting provider to resolve this issue. In most cases there will be no issue at all.
The S5 Spotlight News module is demonstrated on the homepage of this site and can be used on any Joomla template. There are two copies of the module one on top of the other.
Show case off your newest article or setup a nice looking news gallery for your site. Your newest article will be shown as a spotlight article with features such as showing pictures, read more link, created date and more settings to show off this particular article. Older articles will show as links below the main spotlight article.
This module comes with the following features: