Wednesday March 12, 2025

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Image #2. It can support html.

Hillsong on Tour

Vertex 2 adds the ability to consolidate all core template css and js files into compressed files to increase performance. Read more...


Band Going on Tour

Vertex 2 adds the ability to consolidate all core template css and js files into compressed files to increase performance. Read more...
Image #2. It can support html.




We are very excited and very proud to bring to you the new and improved Vertex 2 template framework! You can upgrade your existing V1 templates today with an easy to use patch file here. Note - responsive features are only available on templates built after June 2012.
This new version brings a lot of very exciting new features to Vertex. First, this version is completely backwards compatible and will work with all Shape5 Vertex templates. The new features that are included with Vertex 2 are: file compression, max body width, image widths, updated multibox script, info slide, and many core coding structure changes.

Some features, such as those that apply to responsive layouts will not appear on V1 templates because those templates were not built for responsive designs.


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  • Hillsong New York Promo

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac sapien in nisl fringilla scelerisque. Sed in malesuada diam. Fusce vel iaculis sem. Integer egestas aliquam est a tristique. Suspendisse consequat sagittis nunc sit amet faucibus.

    Nam eu enim libero. Morbi sem eros, adipiscing sdfsdfsdfet ornare isdf asdsdsdfsdfn, Sed in malesuada diam. Read more...


Suspendisse consequat sagittis nunc sit amet faucibus. Nam eu enim libero. Morbi sem eros, adipiscing et ornare in, consectetur quis orci. Integer nec sapien eu risus dictum hendrerit nec nec nulla.

Latest Tweet 2/3/2012


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