Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Template Specific Features
  • fr-FR
  • English (UK)
Daily Devotionals Right from the pastors desk
Verse by Verse The full council of Gods word
This template is built on the very powerful S5 Vertex Framework, which comes packed with amazing features! Learn More About Vertex...

Every template built on Vertex also comes with its own unique template specific options applicable to that particular template such as highlight colors, social icons, and much more. These features are in addition to the standard functions of Vertex, and are still controlled through the very user friendly interface of Vertex. This page will document the features specific to this template.

Theme Specific Configuration Interface of Vertex

Below is a screenshot that shows all the template specific features available in the user friendly Vertex admin:

Custom Highlight Colors

Stylize your site with any color you want. Set your own custom color scheme with the built in highlight color. This color control menu items, titles, buttons, hover over effects, backgrounds, and more. You can set this color to any color that you want. Below is an example so you can see how this works. In addition to these color options, Vertex itself is loaded with background color and images options under the Main / Layout page in the template configuration.

Custom Highlight Font

Choose a custom highlight font powered by Google fonts. This font is used mostly on titles, buttons, labels and more. This is used in conjunction with the default site font which is controlled under the Main / Styling tab in the Vertex template configuration, and controls many other elements as well.

Next/Prev or Arrows

Choose to enable or disable next and prev text and show arrow instead on the Image and Content Fader.

Uppercase Letters

Choose to enable or disable uppercase letters on most menu items, buttons, titles and more.

Hide Menu Arrows

With this option you can disable the menu item sub menu arrows on first level parent items.