This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
This is a sample module to showcase the functionality of the S5 Flex Menu system. This menu system contains up to 40 module positions and you can publish any module to any of these positions under any menu item.
The below code is custom code we generated for the modules and layout on this design
Frank Thomas“I love the local skatepark in downtown Bustltown“Julie Hartment“We should catch up sometime, its great weather out there Lorem ipsum dolor ipsum dolor“Bill Robertson“Just learned how to do that yesterday, this month has been great“
<div style="float:left;margin-right: 24px;height:90px;"><img src="/demo/content_king/images/man1.jpg" class="s5_testimonials" alt="man" /></div>
<span class="s5_highlightfont s5_username">Frank Thomas</span>
<span class="s5_userquote">“I love the local skatepark in downtown Bustltown“</span>
<div style="clear:both;height:15px;"></div>
<div style="float:left;margin-right: 24px;height:90px;"><img src="/demo/content_king/images/woman.jpg" class="s5_testimonials" alt="woman" /></div>
<span class="s5_highlightfont s5_username">Julie Hartment</span>
<span class="s5_userquote">“We should catch up sometime, its great weather out there Lorem ipsum dolor ipsum dolor“</span>
<div style="clear:both;height:15px;"></div>
<div style="float:left;margin-right: 24px;height:90px;"><img src="/demo/content_king/images/man2.jpg" class="s5_testimonials" alt="man2" /></div>
<span class="s5_highlightfont s5_username">Bill Robertson</span>
<span class="s5_userquote">“Just learned how to do that yesterday, this month has been great“</span>
<div style="clear:both;height:15px;"></div>
Image and Content Fader:
The below code is used for the slides on the Image and Content Fader:
<span class="left">
<span class="slide_title">
The final <span class="s5_highlight">hobbit</span> release
<span class="s5_highlight">hits</span> theaters
<span class="slide_text">
Read more for our review, trailer and interview
<br />
The S5 Weather Module pulls XML data from and displays the weather for the current day and the upcoming 2 days along with images depicting the type weather. You can enter a zip code in the administration side and also switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Enter ZIP code via admin side
Choose celsius or fahrenheit
Pulls weather data from Yahoo weather
For those of you living outside the US, please complete the following steps :
1. Drill down to your location on Yahoo Maps
2. Look at the address bar (If you live in Melbourne, Australia it looks like this:
3. Copy the region/area code found in the above URL (ASXX0075)
4. Next open up the weather.class.php file (../modules/mod_s5_weather) and search for the the word: 'location' (there are two instances) and replace with the code that you have just copied from Yahoo, save and close.
5. In the Admin area of the weather module simply paste the Yahoo region code into the zip code box (in this scenario: ASXX0075)
The Masonry module is a powerful module that pulls your article from a category or categories and can display them in masonry style format. The module automatically changes on screen resize to fit the screen a user is viewing them on. You can choose to output a "load more" button that will load a set number of articles you define via AJAX. The second method to load articles is "scroll to load" which will load articles once you scroll to the bottom of your screen. You simply assign an intro image under your "Image and Links" parameters area of your article and then if you choose to show it in the module it will show up. The intro text will show up if you've added text to your article before your read more button.
Choose to enable scroll to load or load more or neither
Show or hide category elector
Show or hide read more
Set how many articles are to be shown
Set how many articles are to load via AJAX button or scroll methods
Order articles by publish date, created date, random or ordering
Show or hide hits
Responsive ready and more, view the below admin screenshot to see all the features
Masonry Article Layout:
When you click "load more" or are using the "scroll to load" option a loading DIV will show when the AJAX is working:
The S5 News Ticker is quite similar to our Image Fader module except instead of images being shown, only one line of text is displayed at a time. You can choose to either pull Joomla articles to rotate or just enter up to 10 static lines of text in the module admin. Below is a list of some of the News Ticker features:
Dynamic mode, pulling Joomla articles:
Powered by jQuery (auto no conflict mode for Joomla 2.5)
Unlimited articles to rotate
Set character limit to strip text at
Choose category(s) to pull from
Hide/Show previous and next arrows
Enable/Disable auto rotate text
Rotation speed
Static mode, outputs text via module admin:
Powered by S5 Effects so you will experience no script conflictions
Up to ten lines of text
HTML can be used too
Set display time
Set rotation speed
Dynamic article method on front end with arrows enabled:
The Mail Chimp Signup module is demo'd on this page. The module is AJAX powered and allows your users to instantly signup and get added to your MailChimp list that you specify in the module admin. All you need to do is enter your MailChimp API Key and Unique List ID.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam turpis odio, tristique ac cursus eget, tincidunt ac quam. Vestibulum venenatis ligula risus, et.
Etiam turpis odio, tristique ac cursus eget, tincidunt ac quam. Vestibulum venenatis ligula risu eget, tincidunt ac quamrpis odio, tristique ac cursus eget, tincidunt ac qua.