This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
This is a sample module to showcase the functionality of the S5 Flex Menu system. This menu system contains up to 40 module positions and you can publish any module to any of these positions under any menu item.
The S5 News Ticker is quite similar to our Image Fader module except instead of images being shown, only one line of text is displayed at a time. You can choose to either pull Joomla articles to rotate or just enter up to 10 static lines of text in the module admin. Below is a list of some of the News Ticker features:
Dynamic mode, pulling Joomla articles:
Powered by jQuery (auto no conflict mode for Joomla 2.5)
Unlimited articles to rotate
Set character limit to strip text at
Choose category(s) to pull from
Hide/Show previous and next arrows
Enable/Disable auto rotate text
Rotation speed
Static mode, outputs text via module admin:
Powered by S5 Effects so you will experience no script conflictions
Up to ten lines of text
HTML can be used too
Set display time
Set rotation speed
Dynamic article method on front end with arrows enabled:
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Etiam turpis odio, tristique ac cursus eget, tincidunt ac quam. Vestibulum venenatis ligula risu eget, tincidunt ac quamrpis odio, tristique ac cursus eget, tincidunt ac qua.