This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
This plugin adds Disqus comments and links to any Joomla article or blog view, it can be demo'd at the bottom of this page. Disqus is a powerful and free comment system that will integrate into any website.
Features at a glance
Specify your Disqus shortname
Select a language
Specify which categories will use the plugin
Specify individual pages to use the plugin
Enable or disable the comments link on the category listing
Enable or disable the comments link on the full article
Enable or disable the comments link on the featured articles
The full page scroll option takes each row of Vertex and sets it to the height of your screen. With the arrow buttons of your keyboard or the vertical scrolling of your mouse the screen will jump to the next section. Each row that has modules published to it will show as the full height of your screen. To demo this check out the homepage of this demo. You can enable on the homepage only or have it show on all pages. We recommend that it shows only on the homepage.
You can place the below code on any DIV directly as a child to <div id="s5_body_padding"> and it will make it show up full screen.
The below screenshot shows the admin area under the "layout" area of Vertex. You simply start adding names for the row names and then it will be enabled. Be sure to separate them by commas. You can enable the full page scroll to just show on the homepage only.
Fullscreen scroll navigation that shows on the right hand side of yoursite:
Occasionally we need to use custom html to obtain the layouts shown on our demos in specific modules. The code below is what was used on this template. It is best to enter this code directly into the HTML editor function of your editor.
Image and Content Fader Code:
There are three different style slides to use. Each style is shown on the homepage of this demo. The first style aligns the text on the left and an image in the bottom right corner. The second style is the easiest to use, it aligns all text in the middle and uses no images. The third style is similar to the first, but it aligns the image in the center rather than the bottom right corner.
Code used for text area, the title setting should be turned off in the settings. All text is entered in the text field settings. You can also use this same code in any article if you are using the article method of the module:
Style 1:
<span class="text_and_bottom_image">
<span class="left">
<span class="slide_small_title">
We Are Your Customer Support Experts.
<span class="slide_title">
Happy Clients. Happy You.
<br />
<a class="readon" href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features">Read
<a class="readon readon_white" href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features">See
<span class="text_and_image">
<span class="left">
<span class="slide_small_title">
Vertex Has The Tools To Build Your Site Right.
<span class="slide_title">
Your Site On Any Device.
<br />
<a class="readon" href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-features/responsive-layout">Read
<a class="readon readon_white" href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-features/responsive-layout">See
This area is created with two custom html modules. One is published to the custom_2 position and the other published to the custom_3 position.
Code used for the custom_2 area. The image shown in the two boxes is a background image, so not all of the image is intended to show at all resolutions. You simply change out the background call with your own image source in the code below:
<div style="background: url('/images/custom2.jpg');" class="top_boxes_left">
<div class="top_boxes_right">
<h3><strong>Meet</strong> With One Of Our Professional Consultants</h3>
<span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et
laoreet. Quis pharetra odio nunc.</span>
<a href="/" class="readon readon_highlight2">Contact Us</a>
Code used for the custom_3 area. This module uses the class suffix "larger_title" and "s5_icon.ion-ios-chatbubble":
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam eget massa mattis, dignissim mi id, lorem ipsum in elate soun facilisis purus. In elit justo, efficitur quis.
1257 Moyer Road / Littletown, AR 19872 / USA1.800.555.1212
Top Image Boxes:
This is a custom html module that is published to the top_row1_1 position, but can be published to almost any row of positions.
<div class="image_box_item" data-sr="move 16px scale up 20%, over 0.7s">
<div class="image_box_item_inner1">
<div class="image_box_item_inner2">
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-features/responsive-layout">
<div class="image_box_image">
<div class="image_box_image_inner">
<img alt="" src="images/top1.jpg">
<i class="image_box_icon ion-link"></i>
<div class="image_box_text">
<br />
<span>You can easily adapt your site to any screen size or device. Simply resize
your screen to see it all in action.</span>
<br />
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-features/responsive-layout"
class="readon">Read More</a>
<div style="clear:both:height:0px;"></div>
<div class="image_box_item" data-sr="move 16px scale up 20%, over 0.7s, wait
<div class="image_box_item_inner1">
<div class="image_box_item_inner2">
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features">
<div class="image_box_image">
<div class="image_box_image_inner">
<img alt="" src="images/top2.jpg">
<i class="image_box_icon ion-link"></i>
<div class="image_box_text">
<br />
<span>This design comes with options like multiple menus, highlight colors,
Google Fonts, dozens of positions, and more.</span>
<br />
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features" class="readon">Read
<div style="clear:both:height:0px;"></div>
<div style="clear:both:height:0px;"></div>
<div class="image_boxes_row">
<div class="image_box_item" data-sr="move 16px scale up 20%, over 0.7s, wait
<div class="image_box_item_inner1">
<div class="image_box_item_inner2">
<a href="index.php/extensions/s5-image-and-content-fader">
<div class="image_box_image">
<div class="image_box_image_inner">
<img alt="" src="images/top3.jpg">
<i class="image_box_icon ion-link"></i>
<div class="image_box_text">
<br />
<span>This month we also are launching the new Image and Content Fader V4, now
with an article integration method.</span>
<br />
<a href="index.php/extensions/s5-image-and-content-fader" class="readon">Read
<div style="clear:both:height:0px;"></div>
<div class="image_box_item" data-sr="move 16px scale up 20%, over 0.7s, wait
<div class="image_box_item_inner1">
<div class="image_box_item_inner2">
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features">
<div class="image_box_image">
<div class="image_box_image_inner">
<img alt="" src="images/top4.jpg">
<i class="image_box_icon ion-link"></i>
<div class="image_box_text">
<br />
<span>This design is built on the powerful Vertex4 template framework, which
makes setting up your site quick and easy!</span>
<br />
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features" class="readon">Read
<div style="clear:both:height:0px;"></div>
This is a custom html module that is published to the top_row2_1 position, but can be published to almost any row of positions.
Code used for this area. The image shown on the left side is a background image, so not all of the image is intended to show at all resolutions. You simply change out the background call with your own image source in the code below:
<div class="learn_about_us_wrap">
<div style="background: url('/images/learn.jpg');"
<div class="learn_about_us_text_wrap">
<div class="learn_about_us_text_wrap_inner">
<h3>Learn More About Us</h3>
<span class="learn_about_us_title_sub">Let us help you make you make your
business a success</span>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut pellentesque
velit, a dictum tortor. Donec euismod posuere diam, at imperdiet felis rhoncus
at. Donec vitae ante odio. Nullam vel solliin mi. Proin ante magna, interdum
lacinia interdum in, tristique pulvinar purus.
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Consectur adipiscing elit</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Integer molestie lorem at</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Nulla volutpat aliquam velit</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Vesti dignissim eget lectus</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Sed condimentum justo</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Aenean imperdiet dictum nibh</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Proin ultricies arcu metus</li>
<li><i class="ion-checkmark"></i>Quisque mattis arcu nisl</li>
<div style="clear:both;height:0px;"></div>
Centered Text:
This code is published to a custom html module and is used in various positions.
Code used for this area:
<div class="centered_text">
<h3>Put Our Experience To The Test</h3>
<span>We offer a large number of services for you and your company</span>
Center Text and Graphs:
The text area is simply an article that is published to Featured. The graphs are custom html modules that are published to the middle_bottom_1 and middle_bottom_2 positions. Scroll Reveal must be enabled under the Javascripts tab in the template configuration.
Each slide in the S5 Vertical Accordion is a custom html module that is published to the s5_va_X positions. Each module becomes a slide. Below is the code used for the first accordion, the image is intended to disappear on smaller resolutions to save space.
<img alt="" src="/images/accordion1.jpg"
<h5>Find The Best Clients</h5>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect etur adipiscing elit. Nullam molestie mi a
nunc porta facilisis. Mauris varius volutpat interdum. In quis congue velit,
class="readon">Read More</a>
<div style="clear:both;height:0px;"></div>
Stats Area:
This is a custom html module that is published to the below_columns_1 position, but can be published to various positions.
Code used for this area:
<div class="stats_row">
<div class="stats_row_title">
<h3>You can Trust Us. See What We Have Done</h3>
<div class="stats_1 stats_item"
<span class="ion-coffee stats_icon"></span>
<span class="stats_number">1,079</span>
<span class="stats_text">Cups of Coffee</span>
<div class="stats_2 stats_item"
<span class="ion-person stats_icon"></span>
<span class="stats_number">87</span>
<span class="stats_text">Clients Worked</span>
<div class="stats_3 stats_item"
<span class="ion-monitor stats_icon"></span>
<span class="stats_number">352</span>
<span class="stats_text">Projects Done</span>
<div class="stats_4 stats_item"
<span class="ion-android-time stats_icon"></span>
<span class="stats_number">2,314</span>
<span class="stats_text">Hours of Work</span>
<div style="clear:both;height:0px;"></div>
Testimonial Area:
This area consists of two positions. The first is a custom html module that shows the image of three people, this is published to the bottom_row1_1 position. The other is the S5 Tab Show that is published to the bottom_row1_2 position. The background of this area can be controlled from the Main / Layout page in the template configuration.
<div class="testimonial">
<span class="testimonial_text">
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis,
velit ut tincidunt laoreet, nunc orci tristique est, at placerat ligula urna et
neque. Sed sed mattis nibh. Sed venenatis tortor metus, vel volutpat mauris.”
<div class="testimonial_details">
<img alt="" src="/images/testimonial1.jpg">
<span class="testimonial_name">George <span
<span class="testimonial_title">CEO of Right Fods Inc.</span>
<div style="clear:both;height:0px;"></div>
Pre-Text defined in the S5 Tab Show settings:
<div class="testimonials_text">
<h3>Customer Testimonials</h3>
<span>Hear what our customers have to say about us</span>
Team Section:
Each of these is a custom html module that is published to the bottom_row2_1 and bottom_row2_2 positions. The employee boxes use the class suffix "shadow", the text box uses no class suffix.
Code used for employee:
<div class="employee" style="min-height: 133px;">
<img alt="" src="/images/employee1.jpg" class="employee_image">
<span class="employee_name">Alex Smith</span>
<span class="employee_title">CEO of Businessline Inc.</span>
<span class="employee_text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Maecenas facilisis, velit ut tincidunt laoreet, nunc orci tristique est,
at placerat.</span>
<div style="clear:both;height:0px;"></div>
Code used for text:
<div class="employee meet_team" style="min-height: 133px;">
<div class="large_title_text">
<h3>Meet Our Team</h3>
<span>Our company is built with experience, friendliness and proficiency</span>
Bottom Boxes:
This is a custom html module that is published to the custom_4 position.
Code used for this area:
<div class="steps_boxes"
<div class="steps_boxes_item steps_boxes_highlight1">
<span class="steps_boxes_number">1.</span>
<span class="steps_boxes_title">Develop A Logical Plan</span>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis,
velit ut tincidunt laoreet, nunc.
<div class="steps_boxes_item steps_boxes_picture">
<span class="steps_boxes_number">2.</span>
<span class="steps_boxes_title">Planning For Success</span>
Nam volutpat fringilla dui sed dignissim. Nam venenatis bibendum nulla ac
viverra. Ut at quam lobortis nisi.
<div class="steps_boxes_item steps_boxes_highlight2">
<span class="steps_boxes_number">3.</span>
<span class="steps_boxes_title">Review The Process</span>
Aliquam iaculis aliquet eleifend. In dapibus non libero quis bibendum. Nunc quam
mauris, bibendum a.
<div style="clear:both;height:0px;"></div>
Bottom Address:
This is a custom html module that is published to the custom_5 position.
The Mail Chimp Signup module is demo'd on this page. The module is AJAX powered and allows your users to instantly signup and get added to your MailChimp list that you specify in the module admin. All you need to do is enter your MailChimp API Key and Unique List ID. The styling of the module shown here is customized specifically for this template with css overrides, and cannot be used with any other template. The same module can be used on any template, but with default or other styling in its place.
Ion Icons is an iconic font that gives you scalable vector icons that can be customized by any font css command, such as size, color, backgrounds, hover effects and more. Below you will see several examples of this feature in action, but please visit for a full list of all icons available.
Our Scroll Reveal feature is powered by the script found here: The script allows you to add "data-sr" to HTML elements for on page scroll animations. We recommend adding to DIVs over SPAN etc as DIVs can move vs SPAN tags just fading in. Once you add the code to a DIV refresh a page or scroll down and it will animate in. It will only do this once until you refresh the page again. The great feature about the script is you can use plain English to describe how you'd like to animate your HTML element.
Example of this in action (refresh this page if you didn't see it already):
enter left, over 1.33s, move 100px
enter bottom, wait 1s, move 100px
enter left move 500px, over 1.33s, wait 2.5s
Code used for the above:
<div data-sr="enter left and move 50px over 1.33s"> Enter from the left and move up 50px in 1.33 seconds. </div>
<div data-sr="enter from the bottom after 1s"> Enter from the bottom after 1 second. </div>
<div data-sr="wait 2.5s and then ease-in-out 100px"> Wait 2.5 seconds and then ease-in-out 100px. </div>
The S5 Live Search module is demo'd on this page and can be used on any Joomla template. The styling of the module shown here is customized specifically for this template with css overrides, and cannot be used with any other template. The same module can be used on any template, but with default or other styling in its place.
Allow your users to search quickly and without loading or refreshing pages with our amazing ajax search module! Simply publish the module to the 'search' position.
The S5 Vertical Accordion module is demonstrated on the left side of this page.
This module contains up to 10 module positions that appear in an accordion function so you can publish any of your favorite modules or custom html modules to one of the accordion slides and keep your site clean and consolidated while giving it a nice effect. The styling of the module shown here is customized specifically for this template with css overrides, and cannot be used with any other template. The same module can be used on any template, but with default or other styling in its place.
Features at a Glance:
Responsive/Fluid layout
Set the width of the module
Onclick or Onmouseover trigger methods
Auto cycle or manual for transition
Set slide transition speed
Compatible with IE7+, Firefox, Opera 10.5+, Safari, Chrome
The Map it with Google module is displayed on this page. Simply enter your address and the module uses the Google API to display a map with a marker to the address. A user simply clicks the marker and they are prompted with a popup box to get directions. Clicking "Get Directions" will take you to google maps with your business address already entered so all they have to do is enter their address to get directions. You can also specify the size of the map and whether or not to enable or disable certain controls.
The floating menu feature is a great way for your users to easily navigate your website! The floating menu will show at the top of your browser once the screen reaches a certain point. You can determine the exact point at which this occurs via the template specific area of Vertex. NOTE: This is a Vertex addition and is not guaranteed to work with all Vertex Templates. Some custom CSS may need to be adjusted per template. This feature is not supported by IE7/8.
Features at a glance:
Set a background image to the menu, gradient or solid color
Set to snap or smooth scroll in
Determine at which point as you scroll down your page that the menu drops in
and many more features, just check out the screenshot below