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The floating menu feature is a great way for your users to easily navigate your website! The floating menu will show at the top of your browser once the screen reaches a certain point. You can determine the exact point at which this occurs via the template specific area of Vertex. NOTE: This is a Vertex addition and is not guaranteed to work with all Vertex Templates. Some custom CSS may need to be adjusted per template. This feature is not supported by IE7/8.

Features at a glance:

  • Set a backgroud image to the menu, gradient or solid color
  • Set to snap or smooth scroll in
  • Determine at which point as you scroll down your page that the menu drops in
  • and many more features, just check out the screenshot below

Admin area of the Floating Menu:

parallax menu admin
We have built parallax backgrounds into the Vertex Framework. Parallax causes the background image of an element to scroll at a different speed than your browser. For an example of this view the homepage of the Velocity template here and watch the background of the top_row1 area as you scroll down the page. The new parallax feature is part of a new tab in Vertex called "Backgrounds", where you can control the background for many areas of your website.


  • Set the scroll speed of the images
  • Set background repeat style
  • Set background image size, 100%, cover, contain, etc
  • Set custom backgrounds for all s5 rows in the framework.
  • Enable or disable parallax on a per row basis

Admin area of the Parallax backgrounds:

parallax menu admin
The S5 Image Slide module is demo'd to the left of the "Latest News From The Field". It is a responsive module that will automatically adjust to the width of any screen.

Please note that IE7&8 do not support the necessary css syntaxes needed for the layout shown on this demo. Because of this position custom_1 will not be shown for these browsers. In its place you may use position custom_3, which is shown only on IE7&8, with your own custom html module.


  • Choose from several effects
  • Up to 10 images
  • Up to 10 module positions if using module mode
  • Choose auto rotate or manual rotate
  • Show/Hide: thumbnails, navigation arrows and pause/play buttons
  • Set links to each image and define if they show in a new window or in the same
  • Set the width and height of the module

Module tutorial:

After installing the module be sure to add in below positions to your template details.xml file located in the root of your template folder. If you are running a template older than Maxed Mag or a non Shape 5 template.


Once you are sure you have the module positions in then just simply start publishing modules to the positions. Be sure to do them in order, not imageslide_1 and then imageslide_4. Be sure its in sequential order.

Image Tutorial:

After installing the module simply publish it to your site and add URLs to images located on your server. As you can see from the below screenshot you need to enter the URLs to the images, once this is done the fader will start cycling through the images, be sure to add them in order from 1 - 10.

Screenshot of S5 Image Slide Admin:

s5 image slide

Integer varius tempor auctor. Etiam fringilla venenatis mollis. Duis ullamcorper massa eu sapien fringilla consequat. Aliquam nec ligula mi, quis tincidunt odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum dui eros. Praesent nec nibh diam.

Proin augue risus, molestie at dictum quis, viverra non ipsum. Praesent lacus dui, euismod ut mollis vel, lacinia vel arcu. In commodo arcu vitae velit elementum a luctus nibh mattis. Ut vel turpis eros. Nam mattis velit sed nibh scelerisque in bibendum felis sodales. Vivamus ornare pellentesque pellentesque. Nullam dignissim semper quam nec mollis. In vel lacus lectus, ac tristique leo.

Aenean venenatis egestas iaculis. Nullam consectetur condimentum dolor at bibendum. Nulla in enim quis ipsum pulvinar imperdiet vitae nec velit. Donec non urna quam. Aliquam congue magna nec risus iaculis posuere. Vivamus bibendum interdum molestie. Sed libero risus, varius eu dictum ac, pharetra ac elit. Curabitur a nibh id ipsum sagittis blandit. Morbi cursus commodo leo quis rhoncus. In nec purus magna, id porta enim. Donec pulvinar aliquet vulputate. Donec sit amet justo sit amet ipsum posuere imperdiet id sed magna.

Read more: Sample Content 3

Integer varius tempor auctor. Etiam fringilla venenatis mollis. Duis ullamcorper massa eu sapien fringilla consequat. Aliquam nec ligula mi, quis tincidunt odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum dui eros. Praesent nec nibh diam.

Proin augue risus, molestie at dictum quis, viverra non ipsum. Praesent lacus dui, euismod ut mollis vel, lacinia vel arcu. In commodo arcu vitae velit elementum a luctus nibh mattis. Ut vel turpis eros. Nam mattis velit sed nibh scelerisque in bibendum felis sodales. Vivamus ornare pellentesque pellentesque. Nullam dignissim semper quam nec mollis. In vel lacus lectus, ac tristique leo.

Aenean venenatis egestas iaculis. Nullam consectetur condimentum dolor at bibendum. Nulla in enim quis ipsum pulvinar imperdiet vitae nec velit. Donec non urna quam. Aliquam congue magna nec risus iaculis posuere. Vivamus bibendum interdum molestie. Sed libero risus, varius eu dictum ac, pharetra ac elit. Curabitur a nibh id ipsum sagittis blandit. Morbi cursus commodo leo quis rhoncus. In nec purus magna, id porta enim. Donec pulvinar aliquet vulputate. Donec sit amet justo sit amet ipsum posuere imperdiet id sed magna.

Read more: Sample Content 2

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