Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
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The Snipcart module is a simple way to add eCommerce functionality to any website. This extension can be demo'd on several products on the homepage of this site or at the bottom of this page.

From's site:
"Simply add Snipcart’s HTML markup to any link/HREF to make it buyable. The markup allows you to define your product’s properties, including the price, the weight, the product name, the product page and anything you can think of! Once you’ve added this markup, you’re already halfway through."

Tutorial on How to Setup

1. First you will need to signup for an account on

2. Once you signup you'll need to grab your API key for your account under the "Account > Credentials" area and add to the backend area of S5 Snipcart and publish the module to a position on your site you desire the cart to show up in. You can also configure the cart icon and if it popups or not on item add.

4. Back on the website you'll also need to enter in your domain name under "Settings > General". Note that Snipcart doesn't work on localhost, you will need to test and configure on a live domain. The reason being is Snipcart security checks your website on submission to be sure nothing was changed, like price, etc during the add to cart process.

3. Now you are all setup and connected. Next you will need to add items to your site.

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