This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
This is a sample module to showcase the functionality of the S5 Flex Menu system. This menu system contains up to 40 module positions and you can publish any module to any of these positions under any menu item.
This template is built on the very powerful S5 Vertex Framework, which comes packed with amazing features! Learn More About Vertex...
Every template built on Vertex also comes with its own unique template specific options applicable to that particular template such as highlight colors, social icons, and much more. These features are in addition to the standard functions of Vertex, and are still controlled through the very user friendly interface of Vertex. This page will document the features specific to this template.
Template Specific Configuration Interface of Vertex
Below is a screenshot that shows all the template specific features available in the user friendly Vertex admin:
Video or Image Background
Incline comes with an option for either a video or image background when the custom_1 position is used. There are thousands of short video clips available at sites like that can match most websites. If you cannot a video that you like, or simply don't want one, you can use an image as the background instead as well as just a solid color. This image is also used for tablets and mobile devices, where the video is automatically turned off due to restrictions on those kinds of devices. In addition you can also turn on or off an overlay effect that covers the video or image as shown on this demo.
When the video is present on the page you can enable an optional video preloader. Enabling this feature will show an overlay preloader that covers the entire site while the video is loading in the background. This feature will only show on pages where the video is present. Once the video is loaded the preloader will disappear and the video will begin to play, and the rest of the site will become visible.
Whenever the video is finished loading in the backend the overlay feature above will automatically disappear, this generally only takes 1 to 3 seconds, depending on the size of your video. However, if the user's bandwidth is abnormally slow this may take a longer period of time to complete. With this setting you can set the maximum number of seconds that the preloader should show for, and then disappear whether the video is ready or not.
Header Background Image and Color
Whenever the custom_1 position is used it will use the video or image settings above for the top of the site. Whenever custom_1 is not used a separate image and color set is used for the header area. You may use the same image as above for the custom_1 area, or select a new one entirely. In addition you can also turn on or off an overlay effect that covers the image as shown on this demo.
Custom Highlight Color
Stylize your site with any color you want. Set your own custom color scheme with the built in highlight color. This controls menu items, titles, buttons, hover over effects, backgrounds, and much more. You can set this color to any color that you want. Below is an example so you can see how this works.
Custom Row Background Colors
In addition to the custom highlihgt color above, you can easily control the background color or image of any row in this template with the power of Vertex. In addition to the default Vertex rows this template also includes several custom rows in which you can control the background colors as well. This is all done very easily through a color picker in the backend of Vertex.
Custom Highlight Font
Choose a custom highlight font powered by Google fonts. You can set a custom font for the titles, buttons, and much more. This is used in conjunction with the default site font which is controlled under the Layout tab of Vertex, and controls many other elements as well.
Uppercase Letters
Choose to enable or disable uppercase letters on most menu items, buttons, titles and more.
Enable or Disable The First Menu Item
In the settings you can turn on or off the first menu item. It is a common trend to turn off the Home menu item and simply let users click the logo to return to the homepage if needed.
All content and images shown on this site is for demo, presentation purposes only. This site is intended to exemplify a live website and does not make any claim of any kind to the validity of non-Shape5 content, images or posts published. Stock photography and icons are often purchased from for this demo only, and is not included with this template. Occasionally open source images are used as well, but are also not included, eg: You may not use these items for your own use without first purchasing them from their copyright owner. Links will be provided for some of these items if you wish to purchase them from their copyright owners or download them from their sources.