This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
This is a sample module to showcase the functionality of the S5 Flex Menu system. This menu system contains up to 40 module positions and you can publish any module to any of these positions under any menu item.
Did you ever need to create a page where this is no article present or no component to be shown, and only load modules? This template makes it all possible! From the template configuration page you can hide the main content area on any page on the site.
Below is a screenshot of this function from the configuration page, found under the General tab:
Do you want your own custom font? Not a problem, this template comes with Google Fonts enabled, allowing you to pick from hundreds of font families for your website. In the template parameters area of the template you can choose your own custom font, and preview it from the Vertex interface. Below are some examples of the fonts available.
Increase speed and performance by compressing core template CSS and Javascript files to much smaller sizes than the original! Enabling compression is a great way to boost your site's performance. It simply combines css and js into consolidated files. This reduces the downloads sizes and reduces the numbers of calls to your server, to dramatically help your site's overall performance. No data is lost during this process, just simply made smaller. Please note that this compression will only compress core template files, not third party files or files from extensions.
Note: Because this feature uses cached versions of your javascript and css this plugin should not be used while developing your site and should only be enabled after you have completed your site.
Gzip must be installed on your server and enabled in PHP in order to function.
This template includes a "Fixed Tab" option that you can enable and publish on your site and will show in a fixed position on either the left or right side of the screen. The great feature about the fixed tabs is that you can enter any text you desire and the text is automatically flipped vertically! This is great for search engines to read your text and also saves the hassle of creating an image with vertical text and placing it on the side of your site. The tabs are published site wide and can have the following options that can be changed via the template parameters area and can link to any URL that you desire.
The following is a quick list of features:
Change background to any hex color
Change the border to any hex color
Change the font to any hex color
Set vertical position of each tab
Set the height of each tab
Set each tab to either the left or right of the screen
Add a class to each fixed tab to enable s5 box or perhaps a lightbox or other 3rd party extension
Add a URL to each fixed tab so onclick the URL loads
This template is compatible with all the major 3rd party components available for Joomla. The following are just some of the ones available that work great with any Shape 5 template. A template itself should in no way hinder the functionality of a component. Although we haven't tested every single Joomla component available we can say quite confidently that this template will be compatible with any Joomla extension you use with it.
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