


Powered by CSS3 and renders in IE7 and 8!

This month we have started incorporating CSS3 into our templates, we felt that since IE9 has been released now is a great time to start taking advantage of CSS3. As IE7 and 8 don't support CSS3 natively but we have included Progressive Internet Explorer PIE to render CSS3 under IE7 and 8!

Just load the site under IE7 or 8 and you'll see rounded corners, drop shadows, etc on the elements throughout this template.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id facilisis lacus. Suspendisse mollis nibh sed augue sollicitudin facilisis. Sed nunc lectus, viverra vitae convallis nec, laoreet eget mauris. Ut non nisl nibh, ut semper diam. Vivamus vel magna at justo dignissim mollis quis placerat massa. Sed a tellus eget felis eleifend porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam congue dolor varius dolor porttitor. Vivamus vel magna at justo dignissim mollis quis placerat massa. Sed a tellus eget felis eleifend porttitor.

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Appwonder is designed for an iphone/android app style website, it allows you to sell a product to your customer hitting all main points in one page with the nice smooth scroll to functionality included. This month we are happy to announce we have started incorporating CSS3 into our templates, we felt that since IE9 has been released now is a great time to start taking advantage of CSS3. Since IE7 and 8 don't support CSS3 natively we also addressed this and have included almost full CSS3 support for IE7 and 8. Included in the template is support for CSS3 in the older the internet explorer versions 7 and 8. With the release of 9 and it natively supporting CSS3 we have started to code and release more Shape 5 CSS3 compatible designs. The problem was that IE7 and 8 don't support CSS3 out of the box so we came across CSS PIE (Progressive Internet Explorer). Basically put, its a script that upgrades IE7 and 8 to support most CSS3 formatting. There are slight variations and some CSS3 formatting it doesn't support but overall it does a great job and allowed us to make the decision in switching over to CSS3 without sacrificing the user experience in IE7 and 8.

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Menu Systems

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Vertical Accordion Module

Nulla sit amet libero non ipsum pellentesque iaculis quis varius urna. Cras diam dui, euismod non tincidunt et, egestas eu nibh. Sed felis risus, sodales sodales interdum nec, tempus non nunc.
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Tab Style Menu

Aliquam imperdiet sagittis leo, dictum lobortis mauris tincidunt quis dictum lobortis mauris tincidunt. Integer auctor, magna vel tempor rutrum, nibh magna elementum erat, quis sodales tortor sem ut elit.
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Nifty Big Buttons

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